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Реклама. ООО Модус. ИНН7726691417. erid:2VtzqwnitaP


Benefits of advertising in the «Security Director» 

  • Magazine is the right thing, if you need an advertisement, targeted on the specific audience group.
  • There is no other type of advertisement so effective to deliver your information to specific categories of population, picked up according to demographic, occupational and other criteria.
  • Sufficient level of expertise that is common to the readers of industry specific periodicals allows to publish more specialized and sophisticated advertising texts. It is the case when you are encouraged to tell the reader about your position and sell products.


 The magazine examining security threats, solutions and developments for business security management.

  • Complex approach to security management.
  • The magazine audience – CEOs and top managers, responsible for the security of their enterprises.
  • Applicable character of the articles provided in the magazine is one of its main features.
  • The articles are interesting, easy to read and understand.


  • The target audience of the magazine is managers, responsible for the security of large and mid-level commercial structures (directors of security departments and top-managers, coordinating security matters.  
  • Currently, Security Director is the only periodical in Russia, focused on the problems of the above mentioned audience. Quality information, satisfying the needs of the target audience provides the success of the magazine for managers.

  Circulation: 10 000 copies

The magazine is published monthly

 Reader’s profile

Gender: male

Age: 26-50

Education: University Degree

Social status: senior executives and managers in charge of security for big and medium-sized businesses (chiefs of security departments, executive officers, security policy coordinators)

Income level: from high to very high

 Subscription cost: 1 issue = 825 rubles, annual subscription (12 issues) = 9900 roubles


 About 8 200 subscribes (paid subscription )/ month

  • About 1 500 magazines is mailing to potential subscribers or distributed at specialized events
  • 500 magazines distributed monthly in the airports of Moscow

 The magazine is delivered directly to the senior manager during working hours

The magazine is on the record in the Federal Agency of Mass Communication and Protection of Cultural Heritage. Certificate ПИ №ФС77-56101 d.d. 15.11.2013.

Все статьи


В следующем номере

  • Большая политика и лидерство в компании
  • Мошенничество при инвестициях
  • Риски при выборе поставщиков логистических услуг
  • Читать полностью


Прямая линия рекламной службы:
+7 (499) 267-40-10, доб. 206
e-mail: reklama@s-director.ru

Отдел подписки:
+7 (499) 267-40-10
e-mail: podpiska@s-director.ru

Редакция: +7 (499) 267-40-10
e-mail: info@s-director.ru

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Выкладка журнала "Директор по безопасности"
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 16:18:14